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The term Industrial Metaverse primarily describes the use of virtual and augmented realities in industrial production. With our automation platform, we deliver a significant productivity factor in the manufacturing process of factories, right down to factory monitoring, control, and the smallest changes in the process. With our technology, the pure digital twins of a factory become real digital twins, which are not only depicted virtually and are therefore isolated from reality but can also directly control the real behavior of a factory in nearly real-time.The term Industrial Metaverse primarily describes the use of virtual and augmented realities in industrial production. With our automation platform, we deliver a significant productivity factor in the manufacturing process of factories, right down to factory monitoring, control, and the smallest changes in the process. With our technology, the pure digital twins of a factory become real digital twins, which are not only depicted virtually and are therefore isolated from reality but can also directly control the real behavior of a factory in nearly real-time.
The term Industrial Metaverse primarily describes the use of virtual and augmented realities in industrial production. With our automation platform, we deliver a significant productivity factor in the manufacturing process of factories, right down to factory monitoring, control, and the smallest changes in the process. With our technology, the pure digital twins of a factory become real digital twins, which are not only depicted virtually and are therefore isolated from reality but can also directly control the real behavior of a factory in nearly real-time.
The term Industrial Metaverse primarily describes the use of virtual and augmented realities in industrial production. With our automation platform, we deliver a significant productivity factor in the manufacturing process of factories, right down to factory monitoring, control, and the smallest changes in the process. With our technology, the pure digital twins of a factory become real digital twins, which are not only depicted virtually and are therefore isolated from reality but can also directly control the real behavior of a factory in nearly real-time.
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На стоимость создания видеоролика влияют разные факторы:
  1. Формат видео и техническое задание. Чем сложнее сюжет, наполнение, анимация, графика ролика, тем больше ресурсов и выше квалификация специалистов требуется для реализации проекта
  2. Хронометраж ролика влияет на количество рабочих часов
  3. Количество съемочных смен
  4. Сроки на реализацию. Стоимость увеличивается, если сроки короче стандартных
  5. Количество и специфика локаций
  6. Количество актеров в кадре
  7. Площадка для размещения ролика влияет на специальные технические требования
  8. Также эффективный способ определить стоимость проекта — обозначить рамки бюджета.

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